Discover G4X™

Delivering Single Cell Spatial Multiomics at Unprecedented Sample Throughput.

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Spatial Services

Precise Single-Cell Insights

Gain high-resolution insights into individual cells in tissues with refined identification and spatial localization, empowering deeper understanding of cellular function and tissue architecture.

Unprecedented Sample Throughput

With nearly 10x more throughput than other systems and up to 128 samples per run, the G4X is uniquely capable of powering large translational studies.

The system’s higher throughput is squarely aligned with current needs of the spatial biology field, where increased sample volumes and lower turnaround-times can enable larger studies, adoption into translational or clinical trial settings, as well as higher return-of-investment and reduced costs for researchers and core facilities”.
Dr. Ioannis Vlachos
Director of the Spatial Technologies Unit at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Associate Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School
40 Samples per Run (10x10 mm)
128 Samples per Run (4.5x4.5 mm)

Breaking Cost Barriers

At less than half the cost per sample, G4X empowers researchers to scale into larger, more impactful translational studies.

Powering 3D Spatial Biology

Exceptional serial section reproducibility in clinical sample types enables researchers to perform multiomic 3D reconstructions like never before.

"We’re excited to have the G4X in our lab, and the data we’ve seen so far is promising for our work with the Human Tumor Atlas Network. The reproducibility, speed, and cost-efficiency allow us to scale 3D spatial analyses in larger retrospective clinical cohorts."
Dr. Tae Hwang
Founding Director of the Molecular Artificial Intelligence Initiatives at Vanderbilt University Medical Center
3D multiomic reconstruction of 10, 10x10 mm kidney cancer sections with 6.2 million cells and 438 million transcripts. Data generated from a single G4X X2 flow cell.

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Technology Access Services

Generate high-dimensional G4X data on your samples now through our Spatial Services Lab.

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G4X Platform

G4X will be available in June. First-year instrument allocation is limited so reserve your system soon.

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Single cells by unsupervised multiomic clustering on 10x10 mm lung cancer section.